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DPTA Sustainability Charter

Comhaontas Turasóireachta Chorca Dhuibhne Cáirt Inbhuanaitheachta Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance Sustainability Charter

Éiteas Inbhuanaitheachta

Aithníonn CTCD gur tháinig buanna uile Chorca Dhuibhne – a tarraingteacht bharántúil nádúrtha, a taobh tíre inspioráideach, a hoidhreacht, teanga agus cultúr, agus a fáilte chroíúil Dhuibhneach – anuas chugainne, an glúin reatha, le huacht, agus go rabhadar ann roimh fhorbairt na turasóireachta. 

Is é ár n-éiteas ag CTCD ná inspioráid agus fáilte Chorca Dhuibhne a roinnt ar ár gcuairteoirí ar shlí atá inbhuanaithe agus a ligeann don dtimpeallacht áitiúil athnuachan a dhéanamh uirthi féin, rud a chaomhnaíonn ár dteanga, ár gcultúr agus ár n-oidhreacht, ag saibhriú pobal áitiúil agus ag léiriú tuiscint ar an tábhacht atá ag an dturasóireacht don ngeilleagar áitiúil.  

Sustainability Ethos

DPTA acknowledges that the authentic, natural attraction of the Dingle Peninsula, her inspirational landscape, her heritage, language and culture and her warm West Kerry welcome were inherited by the current generation and pre-existed the development of tourism.

Our ethos at DPTA is to share the inspiration and hospitality of Corca Dhuibhne with our visitors in a way which is restorative and sustainable to the natural environment, which nurtures our language, culture and heritage, which enriches local communities and respects the importance of tourism to the local economy.

Bunluachanna – Meas, Comhoibriú, Foghlaim, Nuálaíocht agus Gníomhaíocht
  • Meas ar ár bpobail anseo i gCorca Dhuibhne – Go dtabharfaimid faoi fhorbairt agus cur chun cinn an leagan is oiriúnaí den dturasóireacht chun pobail na háite a shaibhriú, mar is iadsan atá ag croílár gach a bhíonn ar siúl againn.
  • Meas ar ár dtimpeallacht nádúrtha agus a dúlra – chun go ndéanfar cosaint agus caomhnú orthu ar mhaithe leis na nglúinte atá le teacht.
  • Meas ar ár n-oidhreacht agus cultúr saibhir áitiúil, le béim ar leith ar an nGaelainn.
  • Comhoibriú – Go mbeimid ag obair i dteannta a chéile leis na páirtithe leasmhara ar fad chun na torthaí is fearr a bhaint amach dos na glúinte a thiocfaidh inár ndiaidh.
  • Foghlaim – Go mbeimid ag foghlaim le chéile go leanúnach de réir mar a athraíonn rudaí chun pleanáil agus bonn láidir a leagain don todhchaí.
  • Nuálaíocht – ag úsáid eolais agus cruthaitheachta áitiúla, anuas ar an ndea-chleachtas domhanda, chun go mbeimid díreach chomh maith agus is féidir linn a bheith.
  • Gníomhaíocht – tabhairt faoi fhéidearthachtaí agus deiseanna nua a fhiosrú agus a thapú chun cur le rath ár spriocanna inbhuanaitheachta agus chun barántúlacht, fáilte agus folláine ár bpobal a bhaint amach.
Core values - Respect, Co-operation, Learning, Innovation and Pro-activity
  • Respect for our host communities here on the Dingle Peninsula -That we pursue and promote the best fit of tourism to enrich local communities who are at the centre of all we do.
  • Respect for our natural environment – that it may be both protected and nurtured for future generations.
  • Respect for our rich local heritage and culture with a special emphasis on the Irish language.
  • Co-operation - That we may work together with all stakeholders to achieve best results for future generations.
  • Learning – That we may be continually learning together in changing times to plan and lay strong foundations for the future.
  • Innovation – using local knowledge and creativity along with global best practice to be the best we can be,
  • Pro-activity – to actively pursue new possibilities and opportunities to further our sustainability goals and deliver authenticity, welcome and wellbeing to our communities.

Tá fís againn de thurasóireacht a théann churn leas ár bpobal áitiúil agus ár ngeilleagar áitiúil, a chuireann eispéiris bharántúla den scoth ar fáil d'ár gcuairteoirí baile agus idirnáisiúnta araon, agus a thugann idir chosaint agus chothú d'ár dtimpeallacht nádúrtha, teanga, cultúr agus oidhreacht.


We envision a tourism which benefits and enhances both our local community and our local economy, which offers both international and domestic visitors world class authentic experiences and which protects and nurtures our natural environment, language, culture and heritage.


A bheith inár gceannródaithe ó thaobh dul i dtreo turasóireacht inbhuanaithe a chuireann cuairteoirí i dteagmháil lenár dteanga, oidhreacht chultúrtha, taobh tíre inspioráideach agus fáilte thraidisiúnta. Beimid ag tabhairt cúnamh d'ár mbaill agus iad ag gluaiseacht i dtreo na hinbhuanaitheachta, agus ag cur folláine ár bpobal áitiúil chun cinn.


To be leaders in the pursuit of sustainable, regenerative tourism which connects visitors with our language, cultural heritage, inspirational landscape and traditional welcome. We will assist our members on their road to sustainability and promote the well-being of our local communities.


Sustainable Tourism Definition


Sustainable tourism is defined by the UN Environment Program and UN World Tourism Organization as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.”


Barcelona Declaration – “Better Places to Live, Better Places to Visit”


CTCD / DPTA, as Supporters of the Barcelona Declaration – “Better Places to Live, Better Places to Visit”, adhere to all the principles and articles of the Declaration including the following:


“What is good for residents is good for visitors” Article 1.1 The residents - the local community - should be the main beneficiaries of any activity developed in the place they live. They must be consulted and included in the decision-making process from its early stage.


“Residents are part of the cultural /tourism experience and the best ambassadors of their territory and identity”.


“Promote hidden cultural heritage while being prudent in promoting overexposed ones”.


“Better measure to better manage “.

Article 4.1 - In the search for an adequate balance between tourism activities, cultural

heritage and impacts on the local community, better management of tourism/culture

initiatives is the obvious solution but at the same time it is one of the greatest challenges.

Article 4.2 - Measuring the carrying capacity of a cultural heritage site or place is crucial in

order to understand the capacity this site/place has with regards to its environmental,

economic and sociocultural dimension. The carrying capacity should be taken into

consideration as a strategic indicator to better manage visitor flows and to better define the

activities developed in a site/place.


“Citizens’ and visitors’ search for new and transformative experiences”



This Charter will inform CTCD/ DPTA Sustainable Strategy in the following ways:

Local Economy:


  1. Continuing to celebrate and promote the hospitality, creativity and resilience of our local family businesses across the Dingle Peninsula;
  2. By assisting our members to future proof their businesses by reducing their carbon, water and waste footprints and implementing their Sustainable Development Goals as they strive towards Certification;
  3. Progressing together in promoting responsible tourism and becoming recognised as a global sustainable and regenerative destination of distinction;
  4. Partnering with MTU as the Destination Management Organisation in the introduction and implementation of the EU funded programme for SME’s – CE4RT – Circular Economy for Regenerative Tourism working with destinations in Iceland, The Netherlands, Poland and Finland;
  5. Encouraging our members to join the Dingle Peninsula SEC (Sustainable Energy Community) for Hospitality partnering with Dingle Hub;
  6. Encouraging slow immersive tourism which spreads economic benefit throughout the Dingle Peninsula and throughout the year and supporting infrastructure such as walking routes and greenways which align with this goal;
  7. Lobbying on behalf of our members in terms of relevant issues such as staffing, accommodation, VAT rates, local resources, local tourism issues, etc.;
  8. Support and promote Agri-tourism and marine tourism to assist our local farming and fishing communities on their regenerative journeys in providing opportunities for their next generations;
  9. By promoting the Corca Dhuibhne Food Network, Bia Dingle, to connect producers and suppliers to help shorten food miles and promote sustainable economic possibilities and the circular economy;
  10. By identifying business and employment opportunities in our local economy that can support existing businesses or provide ideas for new businesses;
  11. Encouraging members to “Promote their Destination” by partnering with local experiences;
  12. By co-ordinating collective sustainable and responsible destination-based promotions and digital marketing promotions to support the continued success of our members.


  1. By acknowledging our host communities are the core part of successful sustainable tourism, we will work collectively to ensure that the environmental and social integrity of our host communities on the Dingle Peninsula are supported and their well-being promoted;
  2. By ensuring there is special recognition of the Dingle Peninsula’s unique Gaeltacht language and culture in everything we do;
  3. Implementing the Principles of the Barcelona Declaration “Better Places to Live, Better Places to Visit”;
  4. Supporting and promoting our local community Festivals and Events who showcase the language, culture, heritage and environment of the Dingle Peninsula Corca Dhuibhne;
  5. Conducting continual community engagement to ensure the community has “a voice” in shaping tourism policy on the Dingle Peninsula;
  6. By respecting the natural carrying capacity of the Dingle Peninsula. We strive for ‘Better not Bigger, Quality over Quantity and to acknowledge that “Small is beautiful”;
  7. By pursuing a holistic form of tourism as part of Corca Dhuibhne / Dingle Peninsula 2030;
  8. Supporting local community and civic initiatives, groups and forums such as “See Something, Say Something” with our local Gardaí, LAAC and others across the Peninsula;
  9. Continuing to maintain relationships with our diaspora, our sister city West Springfield and our Dingle Alumni through Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne and Sacred Heart University.


  1. By respecting the natural carrying capacity of the local environment, seascape and landscape in all tourism development, infrastructure and management initiatives;
  2. By encouraging members and visitors alike to make environmentally sustainable choices;
  3. By pursuing and promoting slow responsible tourism which has a light footprint / low impact and which contributes to protecting, restoring and enhancing the destination’s natural environment and biodiversity;
  4. To support and promote local community forum climate action groups and all dedicated to the protection of our local environment, seascape and landscape;
  5. By sharing and protecting our natural environment and Special Areas of Conservation (SECs) to inspire our visitors on their sustainable journey and to deepen their understanding of nature, bio-diversity, fishing and farming communities and their traditions;
  6. Promoting and supporting “Leave No Trace”, “Clean Coasts”, “Glan Dingle”, “Transition Chorca Dhuibhne” our Blue Flag Beaches and Beach Clean Ups;
  7. Promoting and supporting our local, county and national Climate Action groups and plans such as Maharees Conservation Association, Corca Dhuibhne Community Forum and others;
  8. Encourage visitors to use our electric local transport, Local Link, walk and cycle as the Dingle Peninsula works towards becoming a carbon free zone.



  1. Encouraging a slow immersive form of tourism to deepen visitors experience on the Dingle Peninsula;
  2. Creating awareness of the unique Gaeltacht identity of the Dingle Peninsula and promoting engagement with its language and culture;
  3. By allowing our visitors the comfort of knowing that the Dingle Peninsula has a responsible attitude to tourism and that they are part of a sustainable regenerative tourism movement;
  4. By focusing our marketing and communications on the natural timeless qualities of the Dingle Peninsula - its energising landscape and rich Gaeltacht language and culture.

“Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine”