Holiday Rental Accommodation on the Dingle Peninsula

self catering accommodation

bhíomar ar ár nós féin ann - it was a home from home for us

Self-catering holiday rentals are a great option for groups or a family get away, with a selection of large properties available with plenty of space and bedrooms. Your stay will be uninterrupted and you will be able to make yourself completely at home for the duration of your holiday.

From town apartments to cosy cottages and remote hideaways, self-catering holiday rental accommodation on the Dingle Peninsula comes in all shapes and sizes. Browse through some of the great properties on offer and start planning your holiday on the Dingle Peninsula.

plant, comfy large grey sofa, rug and cushions in a relaxing sitting area

More Info

Holiday rental accommodation includes self catering holiday homes and apartments in both urban and rural locations on the Dingle Peninsula. Guests will be provided with all facilities to enable them to make the accommodation a "home from home".

Holiday rental properties are available in all sizes from small apartments to large houses that can accommodate up to 10 people.

Many self-catering & holiday rental properties will offer Saturday to Saturday stays or long weekend breaks. Holiday rental accommodation is always popular, so book in advance to avoid disappointment.

Holiday Rental & Self Catering accommodation on the Dingle Peninsula


Directory links to self catering accommodation, holiday houses, apartments, cottages to rent on the Dingle Peninsula

More Types of Accommodation

Click on the images for more information on each of the accommodation categories. We recommend contacting providers direct for availability, special requirements and best rates.