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Sacred Heart University in Dingle


SHU in Dingle has offered study abroad programs since 2003 in partnership with the Díseart Centre for Irish Spirituality and Culture. It offers 2-week sessions in January, May, and June and Fall and Spring semesters with courses in history, literature, music, language, religion, as well as sciences & ecology, health & nursing, social sciences, communications & media, marketing, economics, and tourism.


SHU in Dingle actively collaborates with the Institute for Technology in Tralee, Tralee hospitals, and the Dingle Oceanworld Aquarium/Mara Beo Teo. SHU in Dingle has also sponsored conferences with University College Cork, NUI Galway, and Trinity College Dublin. In 2017 SHU purchased the former Christian Brothers School in Dingle and renovations are under way. Recent enrolments are now approximately 300 students in short and semester programs. SHU in Dingle has also begun to offer adult study tours as well.

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